Thursday, January 27, 2011

My New Book Arrived!

It took 2 weeks but my next book has finally arrived. It is called LADY IN WAITING and is novel about a lady named Jane. I am about 1/2 way through the book and am eager to share it with you all. This is an historical novel and it is about a time in history about which I know very little. It actually follows the lives of 2 women named Jane, one who lives today and one who lived in the past. Needless to say, I am eager to read the whole book and share what I have learned with you.

I recently found another site that offers free Christian books for a review so I joined that site also. The site is sponsored by Thomas Nelson publishers and is called BOOKSNEEZE. I got my first book to review for them on the same day as the novel arrived so I am actually reading 2 books for review purposes. This book is a Bible study book  so I am going through each study and will report what my impressions are very soon.

If you have not read my review of  TANDEM, please do so and then rate my review on the Waterbrookmultnomah website. The Internet address is You can find my review either under the title of the book or my name.

Stay tuned for my next review and thanks for visiting my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Include this link... it took like 5 minutes to find and that's annoying. :) so include this on every post so anyone can rate w/o an issue... perhaps put it on your FB page too?
